Bakal Dermatology Assoc S.C.

Bakal Dermatology Assoc S.C.

1786 Moon Lake Boulevard, #100
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169

Laser Hair Removal.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is one of today’s most effective procedures done to permanently reduce hair growth. This hair removal procedure works by emitting light into the skin. The light is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. The heat generated by the light source subsequently destroys the hair follicle.

What type of results will I see?

Each treatment session will result in a gradual reduction of overall hair growth. To achieve maximum permanent reduction several treatments to each area are needed. Variables such as skin color, hair color and body location are important factors in determining the number of treatment sessions needed. Treatment sessions are usually scheduled at 4-8 week intervals.

Can anyone have laser hair removal?

Most all men and women can be successfully treated. People who have recently tanned skin should avoid sun exposure for 4-6 weeks before starting treatments and also before coming for your consultation, as we cannot test on an area that is tanned. Complementary consultations and test spots are available by appointment with our esthetician for anyone who is interested in this procedure.

What is involved in the treatment?

Preparation for laser hair removal is simple. The treated areas should not be plucked, waxed or tanned for about 4-6 weeks prior to treatment. Shaving or trimming the area is allowed any time prior to laser hair removal as we do not need the hair to be long for treatment.

Following the treatment, the skin may be mildly irritated and usually resolves itself within the hour, but may last a day or two. Most all patients return to work and normal activities immediately after treatments.

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