LAPIEL Laser Center
LAPIEL Laser Center
(773) 248-4247
Laser Hair Removal Chciago Information
LAPIEL is dedicated to reducing unwanted hair through effective laser hair removal technology. No more embarrassing hair growth, allow us banish stubborn unwanted hair permanently. Those last minute invitations to the beach or parties will no longer be a source of stress. Now you have the option of being hair free and feeling good. LAPIEL understands your needs and is committed to offering the best laser hair removal treatments in Chicago!
Why Laser Hair Removal?
Why are you still waxing? Traditional hair removal techniques—such as shaving, plucking, waxing, and depilatory creams can only provide a temporary fix. Until now, the only recognized way to remove hair permanently was by Electrolysis. A painful and tedious process is no longer the only option. Laser hair removal safely and effectively removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in less than 10 minutes—legs, backs, and larger areas can take longer.
How Much will it Cost?
The cost of the treatment is determined by the size of the area being treated. Our treatments start at only $59. Discounts are available with the purchase of multiple areas. We also provide a very generous referral program. Ask us for more details.
How does it work?
Laser hair removal works by emitting a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The skin is further protected during treatment by a cooling device that cools the upper layers and provides patients with increased comfort.
Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?
The ideal candidate for laser hair removal has light skin and dark hair. This does not mean that only people with very light skin and dark hair will have good results. We are able to treat people with at least some melanin in the hair. During the Free consultation the practitioner will determine your skin-type based on the Fitzpatrick skin-type scale and develop a plan specific to your skin-type and hair color.
I have dark skin. Can I be treated?
We can treat all skin types. With the darker skin types there is a greater chance of adverse side effects. For this reason it is important to be treated by an experienced practitioner. As part of your Free consultation the practitioner can do a test spot if necessary. For these skin-types, we use the Lumenis Lightsheer diode laser which is designed for added safety in treating darker skinned patients.
Does it hurt?
Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with each laser pulse, sometimes described as the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This discomfort resolves in several seconds and is minimized by Candela’s DCD™ cooling. For some patients, a topical anesthetic may be used prior to treatment. Be sure to discuss this with your practitioner.
How many treatment sessions will I need?
The number of sessions depends on the treatment you require and the condition of your skin. For hair removal, multiple treatments are required, as the process is most effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase. Many factors impact the efficacy of individual laser treatments, including the severity of the condition being treated.
How do I prepare for treatment?
Patients scheduled for hair removal should avoid plucking, electrolysis or hair waxing for three to six weeks prior to treatment depending on the treatment area. If you have had a history of herpes simplex virus and are scheduled for facial hair treatment, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed. Also, any hair should be completely removed by shaving, and your skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing any makeup, creams, oils, topical anesthetics or skin tanning products before laser treatment. The intended treatment area should not be exposed to sunlight or tanning booth light for two to four weeks prior to treatment. This includes any spray on tanning products.
What can I expect after treatment?
A cool compress or gel pack may be applied for comfort following your treatment. Any redness or swelling should resolve within a few hours.
What precautions should I take after treatment?
After laser treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sun block – SPF 30 or above. In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions.
Are there side effects?
Your risks are minimal. Side effects may include redness and swelling. More rare side effects are hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering and purpura in the treated area. Permanent side effects are rare. Be sure to discuss potential side effects with your provider.
Are these treatments covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. Consult your insurance carrier for conclusive information.
