Pure Med Spa
Pure Med Spa
600 Orland Square Mall
Suite F01C, Orland Park
IL 60462
Laser Hair Removal
Imagine never having to shave, tweeze, or wax. Hello laser, goodbye razor!
Safe, Effective
Recent advances in laser hair removal technology now make it possible to permanently reduce unwanted body hair, quickly and easily, with proven long-term results.
Imagine... it is now possible to conveniently obtain the ease, beauty and confidence of smooth, hair free skin through Pure Med Spa's customized laser hair removal treatment program. At Pure Med Spa, our goal is to provide the most technologically advanced techniques utilizing only the highest quality, state of the art equipment.
Each of your hair follicles is in one of 3 stages of growth at any given time. The "active growth" (anagen) phase, "regressive" (categen) phase, and "resting" (telogen) phase.
The laser is most effective at disabling "actively growing" hairs during treatment. It is during anagen that the hair shaft contains the greatest abundance of melanin, the target of the laser light. Many hair follicles are in their resting or regressive stages at any given time. The length of the growth cycles also vary slightly by body area. Your treatment plan will be customized to obtain optimal results.
If you're considering a laser hair removal treatment – or any other treatment, including Botox and Restylane – we invite you to schedule a free consultation.
Common Questions about Laser Hair Removal
How does laser hair removal work and why is it safe?
Lasers have been used for over a decade for a variety of medical cosmetic procedures including the treatment of facial and leg veins, age spots and smoothing fine lines on the face. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to customize your treatment depending upon your skin type and hair density. Our laser hair removal systems emit a precise beam of pulsating light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where the energy is absorbed by melanin (or pigment) that gives color to the hair shaft. The lasers’ energy is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair and transferred to the surrounding hair follicle.
Who can be treated?
The unique design and long wavelength of our lasers at Pure Med Spa allow the laser to treat patients of all skin tones and types including African American, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Caucasian, and even patients with a suntan!
What areas can be treated?
Laser hair removal can be performed on almost any area of the body for men and women – from small areas such as your upper lip, underarms, bikini area, chin, neck, and face, to larger areas such as arms, chest, back, and legs.
Why is laser preferred for hair removal?
Most people are great candidates. Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking and waxing, provide only temporary hair removal. Until now, the only long-lasting hair removal solution has been by electrolysis - which can be time-consuming and is usually limited to small areas, because each hair is treated individually.
Laser hair removal is non-invasive, and safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini area sessions are usually completed in under 20 minutes; legs and larger areas can take longer.
One significant advantage of laser hair removal treatment is that it affects a large number of hair follicles at once resulting in quick, more permanent results. As a general rule, several treatments will be required and you can expect to see a 50% reduction in hair growth after just one treatment.
Will laser hair removal work for me?
The best results have been achieved on dark, coarse hair, but other factors may influence the treatment process, and are generally best evaluated and discussed in person. We offer complimentary consultations.
The procedure varies from patient to patient depending on the amount of hair and the area treated. Generally, the treatment will begin by trimming away or shaving the hair above the skin to be treated. Protective glasses will be provided to shield your eyes from the laser's bright light. Next, a cool gel (similar to an ultrasound gel) will be spread over the treatment area. The laser's hand piece will then be applied to the skin to deliver the pulses of light needed to begin disabling your unwanted hair.
Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?
You can return to work or resume normal activities immediately following your laser hair removal procedure. However, since some redness may occur, you may want to plan your work or social engagements accordingly. This may last from a few minutes to several days depending on the area and your skin's sensitivity.
What precautions should be taken before and after treatment?
You must stop plucking or waxing your hair for several weeks prior to the laser hair removal to be optimally effective. We have a variety of lasers to safely treat all skin types and skin colors including dark & tanned skin. Our highly trained professionals educate you on your options and tailor a treatment program to best suits your personal needs. Together you and the laser specialist can decide if your expectations will be met and which treatment is the best option for you.
How many treatments will I need?
Hair grows in cycles. The laser is only effective on hair in its actively growing cycle. At any one time there will only be certain hairs in that growing phase. This means that consistent treatments at appropriate intervals are absolutely necessary for the best possible results. The number of treatments required depends upon your skin, hair coloring, coarseness of the hair and density per treated area.
The laser hair removal system causes permanent reduction in the number of hairs growing in an area. Because hair grows in three phases, and each hair goes through these stages independently, it is almost impossible for one laser treatment to permanently reduce all hair in a given area. Clinical studies, which have followed patients for one year after completing two treatments, have shown that reduction in hair growth was stable for the duration of that time. While individual results may vary, patients typically find that it takes 6 to 8 treatments to get the desired results.
How does laser hair removal compare with other hair removal methods?
Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams are all temporary methods which must be repeated on a frequent basis. Laser hair removal offers longer lasting results for your hair removal needs.
Is laser hair removal covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal is a faster, gentler way to remove unwanted hair, with outstanding results. It applies precisely controlled pulses of energy (electrical and light, with cooling), reaching into the hair follicles that lie beneath the skin. The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.
What does it feel like?
Each pulse, which lasts less than a second, produces a slight tingling feeling. In particularly sensitive areas, such as the upper lip, it may feel like a quick, light pinch.
Is it suitable for everyone?
At Pure Med Spa we customize the treatment to exactly match your hair and skin color and type. As long as there is some color in your hair (even blond hair has enough color), then our system will be effective.
What about side effects?
The energies used by Pure Med Spa are commonly used in a range of medical and cosmetic procedures that have proven to be safe. Most people experience no side effects at all, though few exhibit some short-term local reddening of the surrounding skin. You can return to your regular activities immediately after treatment, although it is advisable to keep the skin protected from exposure to direct sunlight for a short period of time.
